Silica Gel Crystals with indicator beads

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Silica gel crystals with indicator beads 

Our Silica Gel Crystals looks a bit like fine sugar, it is ideal for drying flowers because it draws moisture from the flower, drying it quickly therefore reducing the loss of colour and size and the end result is dried flowers which look almost as if they have been freshly picked. 
The Silica Gel we supply is a mix of white and auto-indicating crystals - The auto-indicating crystals change from orange to dark green when the Silica Gel is no longer active.
The crystal size of our Silica Gel is between 0.5 and 1.5 mm which is the ideal size, smaller than 0.5 and the Silica Gel was too dusty and crystals bigger than 1.5 mm tended to dent the petals of delicate flowers.

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